Frequently Asked Questions

Can paint and other finishing materials be applied over a Xypex coating?
Yes, paints and epoxy coatings, cement parge coats, plaster and stucco or similar coatings can be applied and are applied over Xypex treated concrete or coatings. But conditions and specific preparation/applications times may be required. Refer to our product data sheets and method statements for further information. Or alternatively, contact your local Xypex Representative for recommendations.
FAQ's at Xypex Australia
Can Xypex be applied against extreme hydrostatic pressure?
Yes. Because Xypex is not dependent upon adhesion to the concrete surface and instead becomes an integral part of the concrete mass through crystallization, it is capable of resisting extreme hydrostatic pressure from either side (positive or negative) of the concrete.
Frequently Asked Questions at Xypex Australia
Is Xypex suitable for use on surfaces other than concrete?
Xypex is totally compatible with the chemistry of concrete, whether poured-in-place, pre-cast or concrete block. It is not suitable for application to cut-limestone, clay brick, wood, metals, asphalt or other non-concrete building materials.