Items filtered by date: August 2022

Friday, 26 August 2022 22:07

Carevan Foundation

At Xypex Australia we value Being There in all that we do. Being There for our environment, our future generations, but also our communities. Being a local manufacturer in Regional Australia has always been close to our Managing Director’s, Rob Godson, heart; providing opportunities for workers, ensuring quality in our products, remaining a proud Australian Manufacturer, but also being able to contribute to the needs of smaller communities.

Whether you are dealing with poverty, mental health, homelessness, isolation, family breakdowns; Carevan values you and respects your circumstances and forms a non-judgmental environment.


Extract taken from Boardermail article:

"FRIDAY was a turning point for a charity movement that started 12 years ago with a bottle of a wine, a newspaper article and an epiphany for retired orthodontist John Brabant.

Carevan, a Albury-based charity group that provides food, dental care and housing assistance to the underprivileged in the Border region, received a much-needed new van yesterday after local concrete supplier Xypex stepped in.

The van replaces an old, barely-roadworthy vehicle the charity has been using to roam the streets of Albury-Wodonga for years to help the needy.

Carevan founder Dr Brabant said the birth of the charity came from a "message in a bottle".

"The charity is not just me, it's the whole Albury-Wodonga community and it's a charity that started here. The whole thing started when I saw a story on the front page of The Border Mail - by Kristy Grant, it said 'it's easier to turn away than to care'."

This inspired the motto now written on the front of the van: "It's easier to care than to turn away".

"It was a story about how homelessness was a big issue in north-east Victoria and southern NSW - our region - from couch surfers to people living in poverty," he said.

"I had a bottle of red wine and said, right, I'm going to do something about this - that's how it all started.

"I wanted to make it a community project because that way it would be sustainable and it has been, because the community knows about that project and today's gift of a van should make more people know about it.

"We don't get any big government funding or corporate sponsorship, we have to fundraise, but people know that the money stays in the community, goes back to the community."

Carevan director Jacqui Partington said it was a relief to now be able to travel in a "van that actually works".

"We had an old van for years that used to spend a lot of time in the workshop," Ms Partington said.

"This is the first van that has suspension, it's got Bluetooth because you're often taking your phone to communicate with where the needs are."

"The next project is to build a commercial kitchen so we can support people's cooking skills."

Xypex Australia managing director Rob Godson said he made the decision to help Carevan out after he realised just how much ordinary people were suffering.

"I was listening to the radio one morning and they were auctioning Monopoly boards and I thought, I want one of those, rang up and bid $5000," he said."